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Talking about the new site design, the loss of a friend and upcoming projects and updates.

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I finally got a drop of motivation to restart my personal website once again for the... I don't even know how many redesigns I made so forget it. Anyways, welcome to my new website, inspired by Swiss and minimalism design that I fell in love earlier this year.

My idea with the redesign was mainly to make the site bigger in terms of layout and design so that I could be more flexible but also because up until now my websites didn't really offer anything other than some blog posts and some basic pages, so I wanted to have a platform of some sort where I could share anything I wanted.

Hi Nekoweb! #

Another thing I wanted to do with the revamp was to test other hosting platforms, now this website started on Neocities which I really do love and I'm gonna keep using it but in recent years there has been a "competitor" (more like an alternative) called Nekoweb and you know what that means, this website is now available there as well (depends on where you're reading this, on Neocities, Nekoweb, or even my RSS Feed)!

Closure #

So that's all for this revamp, there's been a lot of things happening this year, some good like joining the OSM community back in April, some great like the release of the new website or the spike on my YouTube channel, and some really horrible like the passing away of my childhood dog that died at the age of 17 (the same age that I have now) because of a tumor which left me really heartbroken, R.I.P Lia (2007 - 2024) fly high great friend and life companion!

~ Redux