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What I've been doing this past month

An update on what I've been doing this last month and upcoming projects and updates.

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Welcome back again! I've been a bit lazy on updating this website, unfortunately there's been a lot of things happening, from working on other projects to school work (tests and presentations) and I haven't had the time to work on this website (it's my fault because I'm addicted to YouTube 😔).

My Windows toolbox #

Some people might already know that I'm working on an app for Windows, it's called Celer (Latin for speed and switf) and it's a toolbox for Windows 10/11. I currently don't know what to include in the app in terms of features, but the premise is that it's an app that let's you clean temp files (including browser cache), optimize (by disabling services and removing bloatware), have privacy and security preferences (like disabling Windows telemetry, a dns manager, host templates), and even more.

I'm currently developing it using Tauri whcih uses Rust for the backend, and I decided to go with SvelteKit for the frontend. I tried other frameworks from React, Vue, and SolidJS, but since I had used Svelte in the past (mainly version 4) I choose that instead.

Currently the app is at 7% of completion so it will take some time to release something to the public yet.

Steel UI Design System #

Also related to Celer, I'm working on a UI design system called Steel, my main purpose with it is to make a UI design system that I could use on all of my project, independent of dependencies or frameworks, so it would just be vanilla CSS and tokens to style the app.

Steel's main inspiration comes from minimalism, brutalist, and utilitarist designs but also design systems like Vercel's Geist and IBM's Carbon.

I already had the idea of building a UI design system and I did tried one time but got tired of it.

Steel is actually already being used since Steel is a spinoff of the design system of this website!

SurfScape Version 3 Progress #

Even though I'm sucessfully working on those two projects (and this website), one of them didn't receive the same care.

Unfortunately I lost my motivation to work on the next version of SurfScape, the main reason was because release 3 was going to be huge, I had a lot of stuff to add but me being me I didn't make any plans and stopped working on it. That doesn't mean I'm done with SurfScape, when I get the time and have my shit together I'll start working on it again and make plans and even develop in the open to get more attention and feedback so that my motivation doesn't go away as it did last time.

I have a Ko-fi! #

Since I still don't know what I'll be doing in the future, I've decided to create a Ko-fi profile so people that enjoy my work and projects can support me monetarily, that way I don't end up in the streets (I'm joking 😎). I haven't set it up to my liking but the stuff I'll be doing on Ko-fi is post updates on a variety of miscellaneous projects, create a small shop to sell Celer and other apps in the future, and do commissions like website buttons, website development, and mockups.

Closing Post... #

So that's it folks, even though I haven't posted a lot I've been making stuff that my little introvert brain thinks it's cool (while it's not), anyway see you on the web! You can always find me on Discord Server, Penny's Club, or on my dead Discord server Retro Space, see you y'all!!