Welcome #
I'm ReduxFlakes (or reduc for close friends), I'm a developer and designer from Portugal that focuses on privacy, simplicity, and performance. This is my personal website where I talk about various things from life, ongoing projects, musics, and resource & guides. Learn more about me
Remember, a personal site is never finished, so expect things not working or returning not found!
Latest Post #
What I've been doing this past month
An update on what I've been doing this last month and upcoming projects and updates.
ReadLinks #
Socials #
Friends #
Link me! #
If you like my site, you can link me by using the buttons below!

Webrings #
🌐 NeoSSG Webring #
💽 Null Webring #
🤖 No AI #
Updates #
See changelog
Add custom css file for NekoFM.
More buttons! Also updated the now page with a new section and readded Hotline Webring on the about page.
New buttons on the friends section and redesigned the site card and post box on Nekoweb.
Added new webring and fixed some stuff including fixing the webrings on Nekoweb again (i hope) and cleaned up some CSS. It's been a busy month sorry for the lack of updates :(
Fixed webring (i hope), made some grammar fixes and improved links in the homepage.
Added new webring and made some accessibility fixes, I've also improved date handling which means I can now use time in changelogs!
Switched to Gruvbox, and added new stuff! From new buttons in the friends section, new hover effect on buttons, new roadmap page, updated the /now page and readded the link me section.
I'm finally happy with the design and layout! Simple, fast, optimized, and works great!! I've also added new stuff, from new pages, but also improved existing stuff from the button grid now supporting sites that do not have images, the projects page has been updated, and the CSS has been severely cut down. Happy happy happy!
Let's go even more minimalist!! New design and layout, tons of optimizations from less CSS to finally implementing eleventy img to optimize images. Also added a "uses" page. More stuff coming soon.
Huge update? I guess, as you can imagine, I've decided to once again redesign the website, it's mostly a layout change, most of the design itself is and will stay the same. I'm thinking of adding more pages and try to clean the code, but let's see...
Added the guestbook hyperlink again and other sections from the old sidebar.
Changed the layout around to be simpler, removed some junk, fixed a button with the wrong image. I need to rewrite this website again!
Major update on the projects page, and new blog post about new projects and what I've doing last month! Also removed some of the clutter like the icons from the navbar, removed empty links and sidebar widgets.
Removed the design page since it will take awhile to start making it. Also tried making NeoSSG webring widget to look more consistent with the website.
Fixed the navbar again on mobile, added new projects and added feed icons on the blog page.
Added new buttons, fixed the navbar on mobile and other tweaks on the CSS, fixed broken links and types and other stuff.
I've finally released the new website! Now available on Neocities and Nekoweb. More content coming soon (i hope).