Welcome #
I'm ReduxFlakes (reduc for close friends), a software developer, designer, and privacy advocate from Portugal, and this is my zone on the internet.
I'm a huge fan of old tech, gaming, minimalism, and music.
Latest Post #
What I've been doing this past month (January 2025)
An update on what I've been doing this last month and upcoming projects and updates.
Read more...Updates #
Added the guestbook hyperlink again and other sections from the old sidebar.
Changed the layout around to be simpler, removed some junk, fixed a button with the wrong image. I need to rewrite this website again!
Major update on the projects page, and new blog post about new projects and what I've doing last month! Also removed some of the clutter like the icons from the navbar, removed empty links and sidebar widgets.
Removed the design page since it will take awhile to start making it. Also tried making NeoSSG webring widget to look more consistent with the website.
Fixed the navbar again on mobile, added new projects and added feed icons on the blog page.
Added new buttons, fixed the navbar on mobile and other tweaks on the CSS, fixed broken links and types and other stuff.
I've finally released the new website! Now available on Neocities and Nekoweb. More content coming soon (i hope).
Interests #
- UI design
- Blue, pink, and purple
- Valve games
- Minimalism design (modern and swiss)
- Pixel art
- Old tech
- Music (check my last.fm)
- Gaming
- Almost all of Valve games
- FlatOut 2
- V-Rally
- Mindustry
- Infinitode
- Armor Games
- Tech/Crypto bros
- Most AIs/LLMs
- Anything with IoT in the name
- Fanboys of any brand
- TikTok
- Discord (still can't leave)
- Gaming
- EA
- UbiSoft
- Activision
- Rockstar Games
- Blizzard
More Stuff :) #
Websites I Like
- Improve responsivness
- Make the design page
- Clean code
- Add more stuff to extras